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Get Involved 


We are currently looking for volunteers to teach English, Spanish, and computer classes on week-night evenings. We ask that volunteers commit to at least 6 months to ensure consistency for our students 


Internship Programs

As an Omprakash partner organization, student interns are able to participate in the EdGE curriculum with an emphasis on border issues in the Tijuana-San Diego region. Students will learn that emigration to the United States is currently the most complex and difficult issue. In the current political climate within the United States, immigration from Mexico has polarized public opinions and policymaking. On arrival, they will work with staff mentors to see important sites related to migration and complete a capstone project (research or creative) related to a border issue of their choice. 

We are also available to work with universities to offer internship credit for the semester. 


Office Assistance

Volunteers are needed to represent Madres y Familias Deportadas en Acción at our office located in Viva Plaza, in Tijuana and assist in our office, passing out flyers and educating deportees and the public about the current events related to deportations. You can also assist with picking up used or new clothes and food when donated.



As a non-profit, we rely on donations and grassroots support to continue our day-to-day operations. We accept cash donations, in addition to bottled water, non-perishable food, and clothes for men, women, and children. We also look for community business partners and entrepreneurs who are interested in hiring and supporting our mission.  

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